What's a Tennessee Real Estate Agent's Typical Salary?


    How much does a Real Estate Sales Agent typically make in Tennessee? When you are considering becoming a real estate agent and comparing the salary to other jobs you might have worked you need to consider the different factors that go into an agent’s salary. For example, some factors include which city you live in and the corresponding population, the real estate education you received, any certifications you have, additional skills, and number of years you have worked in the profession. As an agent, your hours are based on the schedule that you create for yourself. You do not have a set number of hours you have to work each week and the check does not come if you are putting in the work.

    According to the surveys presented by Indeed, the average salary for a real estate agent in Tennessee in 2022 was $100,503. 

    Tennessee average salary of realtor

    ๏ปฟThe average salary for an realtor with 1 to 2 years of experience is $90,609. The average salary for someone with more than 10 years of experience is $118,884.

    realtor average salary

    Let’s break down the four topics that impact agent’s pay besides market conditions: hours worked, location, specialty, and years of experience.

    1. Hours worked

    When I think about the hours that I worked day to day as a real estate agent I come back to the word balance. This is because my schedule was dictating by how busy I was and how many showings I had that day or week. My advice is to set boundaries with your clients and have a set time of the day when you do your showings each day. Do all your administrative and business prospecting activities in the morning and set appointments for afternoons and weekends. This will keep you from missing those activities that really make a difference in your business. Another note worth mentioning, is part time vs. full time. Well full-time might not be an option for everyone it does fully correlate with agent’s salaries.

    2. Location

    Location has a major effect on the salary of an agent. If you want to earn more try going for urban areas that are highly populated and suburban areas with higher prices per home.

     3. Specialty

    Just like any other business the niche or specialty is going to decide what kind of real estate agent you are going to be. Some examples might be first time homebuyers, military, relocation services, luxury properties ect. Each one is going to bring in a different income but owning the category you chose is where the success is. Your goal is to become the market expert in that specialty or niche.

     4. Years of experience

    Real estate is a business where knowing people or being top of mind when people think of real estate is very important. Creating a sphere of influence and connecting with that audience is crucial to creating business for yourself as an agent. This is going to become easier and grow with time and experience. Therefore, the first year in real estate is always the hardest but stick with it and trust the systems that you have set in place!

    Chat With an Industry Expert

    Gabbi knew that real estate was the right career from the start. She is now dual licensed in both Kentucky and Ohio. She had her first sale within a month of getting licensed and hit her first million in volume within her first 6 months. She will have her real estate license for the rest of her life.  Call her anytime if you have questions about becoming a real estate agent. She loves to share her passion for real estate with others!

    Talk With Gabbi Now!

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